Friday, April 29, 2011

Part 3 : Reasons

Trevor had to take a moment to catch his bearings. He was tired of being drugged. The old woman's concoctions may be sweet, but the after effects were a nightmare. The cool breeze coming from an open window helped some.

"Night time" he mumbled 'Surely someone has to be looking for us.' and then the horrifying thought came to his mind. No one knew where they were going. HE wasn't even sure when he drove out to the wilderness. 'Another screw up'

"How are you feeling dear?" The old woman had been calmly watching Trevor as he woke up.
"I'm not going to answer that question."
She laughed, she liked him a lot more than his loud mouth wife. The irritating wench was going to die fist.
"Why didn't you kill me? And the ropes...why am I not tied up anymore?"
"I just wanted your wife to think I did. She has a hot tongue."

"So now what? Why am I here?" Trevor was unusually calm. Years working for the F.B.I. taught him that trick. He assessed the situation and knew better than to aggravate the old woman.
"It's been so long since I've have an actual conversation with someone."
"Well maybe if you stop killing people you can do that!"

She laughed again, "If I go too long without eating I'll grow too weak and die."
"That's life! We all have to die eventually, and its not up to us to decide when its someone's time to go. This is madness!"
"That's how you feel. I've been able to experience so much in my life. The wonderful emancipation thanks to President Lincoln, the first and second war, the Civil Rights movement; and thanks to the shaman I met while I was still a slave in Louisiana, I'll continue to see history!"
"So you're telling me, you kill and EAT people because you like history?!" Never before had Trevor wanted to his an older woman as bad as he did right now.

"No silly, I do it because I like to! I've seen first hand how evil and wicked people can be. I've been raped, abused and much much more. A person will take only so much before they crack. I cracked a long time ago and never plan to stop what I do."
"Eventually someone will catch on to you"
"And they'll die as well." She was no longer smiling or pretending to be the sweet grandmother. Her true colors were showing and it actually frightened, Trevor.

'Just a little more...there!' Michelle jumped up feeling exuberant. She finally managed to free herself from the ropes that bound her arms. Cautiously she walked out of the barn. No one was around, or so she thought.

"Oh my God! Are you alright?" A woman saw Michelle creeping out of the barn. Michelle jumped and nearly took off running.
"Wait! I had been captured too! I'm looking for my mom."
Michelle stopped and looked at the woman through the faint moonlight. They appeared to be around the same age.

"What's your name? I'm Michelle."
"I'm Wanda and I just mom lives here." In the blink of an eye, Wanda took the pipe she had hidden behind her back and struck Michelle knocking her out instantly.

A devilish grin crept upon her lips as she stared at the motionless woman.
'This should be fun.'

Friday, April 15, 2011

Part 2: Only a dream...

'It's only a dream. None of this really happened' Michelle thought as she slowly opened her eyes. She never went to the woods and she was never poisoned by and old woman. She continued to tell herself that until a dull pain started in her stomach and traveled throughout her body.

"Trevor?" she called out. Her own voice startled her; it was raw and raspy as if she chain smoked for years. Trevor never responded which frightened her. "Baby, are you there? Please say something!" She tried to move her arms, but they had been bound tightly together.

As her fear grew worse, Michelle stated to cry. She didn't want to die. She was supposed to be celebrating a joyous occasion. Not only was it her fourth anniversary being married to Trevor; they were finally planing to start a family. She couldn't wait to be a mother. After meeting Tre eleven years ago she knew he was the one.

Somewhere within the dark, dank room there was a low moan. 'Thank God' she praised. "Trevor! Are you alright? Where are you?"
"Trevor felt like he had been kicked, stomped, and punched in the stomach. "Remind me to never go in the woods." he groaned.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Michelle smiled. Knowing her husband was alive gave her some hope.
"How are you feeling, Chelle? She tied you up too?"
"Yes, I'm okay now that I know you're alive."
"Just hang in there baby, there's no way I'm letting that old hag kill us. There has to be a --"

An ear piercing shriek stopped him from finishing his sentence.
"Who's there? Please help me! She killed my boyfriend! I don't want to die in here." A woman spoke rapidly, her words slightly slurred.

"Slow down, whats your name?" Trevor asked.
"Okay, Karen. I'm Trevor and the other person in here is my wife Michelle. We've been captured too, but maybe if we work together we can get out of here alive.
Karen's frantic breathing was finally starting to slow down. Something about Trevor's voice calmed her. The three of them sat in silence for a few moments when a door loudly squealed open.

"Not planning an escape are you?" It was the old woman speaking. There was such joy in her voice though the circumstances were dark and grim.
"NO don't come near me! Stay away!!" Karen started to yell again. She was next...
"Now, now dear. This wont take long, and thing of it this way, you're helping out for a greater cause."
"Nooo-" Karen's cries were cut short immediately followed by a loud snapping sound.
Trevor grimly hung his head low. The old woman broke poor Karen's neck.

"What did you do to her!" Michelle demanded, her voice still raspy.
"Oh I think you know, now hush your tone or I'll do the same to your dear husband in front of your eyes."
Michelle wasn't the one to follow orders, but in this case she had no choice. She was not about to get her husband killed.
"Very good. Now you two sweet peas be patient while I fix my meal. Must be in tip top shape!"

Neither Trevor or Michelle could believe how happy the woman was. It was obvious that she killed often.

A few hours later...

Trevor and Michelle spoke sparingly since the old woman left with Karen's dead body dragging behind her. They both wanted to regain as much strength as possible. Trevor refused to allow the same fate to happen to his wife.

"Hello my sweets" The old woman was back and happy as ever.
"What are you going to do to us?" Trevor asked, trying his best not to sound demanding.
"Well since you asked so politely; I'm going to eat you both."
Trevor almost wanted to laugh. There was nothing comical about what the woman said, but it was ridiculous. Cannibalism?
"Eat us? Why?"
"It's what I do sweetheart. There's no way I could be here after being born 200 years if I didn't"

"You sadistic old witch!" Michelle mouthed off again. Anger and repulsion has taken over her.
"We do what we have to in order to survive. If you were given the opportunity to live forever you would do the same thing.
"Wrong! I would never stoop so low and kill innocent people just so I can live longer!"
Innocent huh? I'm not too concerned about innocence, but now I'm concerned about eating again. Since you like to talk back to granny, I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

The old woman walked over to where Trevor was and forced a sickening sweet fluid down his throat. Michelle could only cry out as the woman drug his now motionless body out of the room.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lost Part 1

"The woods! Of all things we could be doing, we're walking in the woods!"
Trevor ignored his wife's complaints. She'd been doing it for the past forty-five minutes.

"Are you even listening? I was expecting a romantic dinner, maybe even some sweet lovin'! This is a great way to spend our anniversary."

"Michelle!" For the first time in almost an hour she stopped talking. Trevor's loud voice boomed in the dense woods startling birds. "I wanted to try something different. Obviously I've made a mistake, but all of your complaining is getting on my nerves. PLEASE shut it up!"

"Psh...should have one the usual." she mumbled and continued walking. She liked the outdoors, but not like this. There had to be wild animals around just waiting to eat them.
After a few minutes of silence between them, she had something to say.

"I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have given you such a hard time."

Trevor stopped his angry walk and turned to face her. Even with beads of sweat running down her face and neck she was beautiful to him. In fact, it made her look even sexier. He closed the small gap between them and smiled. Many thoughts were running through his head.

'I've never done it in the woods.' he smirked. "It's alright babe." He kissed her lips gently. "Both of us are hot and tired and you know how us black folks get when we're hot and tired."

They laughed and started to kiss some more. What started our as a sweet gentle kiss quickly turned into a ravenous tongue wrestling match. It never took much for the two to get busy. Suddenly Michelle opened her eyes and saw it... a house.

She pulled away from Trevor leaving him badly aroused and disappointed. "Look baby, a house!"
"You just had to get me worked up." He did all that he could to release the pressure in his pants." Baby, if this is a way out of these woods let's take it! When we get home I promise to blow your mind!"

Trevor found it odd that this house was here in the middle of nowhere. He'd seen enough movies and head plenty of stories to know to be wary of houses in the woods. "You sure about this, Chelle? They could be some crazy cannibalistic hillbillies."

"See, that's why you need to quit watching those dumb horror movies! You're gullible butt will believe almost anything!" She did have a valid point, but it did not put his fears to rest.

"Oh my! You two must be lost." An elderly woman walked out to the front porch of her house.

"We are, my husband got us lost because he wanted to do something different for our anniversary."

The woman chuckled, "Well you're definitely lost. There's not another house for miles."

Nothing felt right to Trevor. Deep inside he had a great sense of danger. That was until he was met with the sweet aroma of cherry pie. The woman noticed him taking in the smells.

"Why don't you two come inside. I just baked some pies and I can help you get out of these woods."
Just like that, Trevor's fears vanished. Baked goods were his weakness.

"So you're celebrating your anniversary are you?"
"Yes ma'am!" Trevor answered with a mouth full. The pie was the best he'd ever ate.

"This pie is amazing." Michelle complimented "You have to share your recipe with me."

"Why thank you, dear. I've been told it's to die for." As if on cue, a sharp pain ran through Michelle and Trevor's abdomen. It was so severe that breathing was almost difficult. They both stumbled out of their chairs and pitifully crawled on the ground.

"What's going on?" Michelle started to cry. "What did you do to us?"
Just as Trevor reached out to grab the old woman, she calmly took a step back and grinned at the two writhing in pain.
And then darkness came.